September 30, 2018 2 min read


This week we are meal prepping for a daily intake of 2200 calories. The daily intake will be broken down into 6 meals, being breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon snack, post-workout and dinner.
The 2200 calorie intake per day has been divided or 'split' into the 3 macro-nutrients (macros); protein, carbohydrates (carbs) and lipids (fat). This week's daily meals have been planned out to meet a rough split - 35/40/25 or 35% protein, 40% carbs and 25% fat. The amount of each of the macros is up to personal preference, diet requirements or a target metabolic consumption. The table below shows the breakdown of the daily calorie intake into each of the macros. 


Protein Carbs Fat Total
Split 33% 41% 26% 100%
Calories 724 892 567 2183
Grams 181g 223g 63g


Each of the 6 planned meals plays an important part in obtaining the required daily calorie intake. This week's meal prep will include the following food for each meal:

  • Breakfast - XO Crunch cereal and Almond Milk
  • Morning Tea - Boiled Eggs and Nice & Natural Protein Nut Bar
  • Lunch - Chicken Pesto Pasta
  • Afternoon Snack - Taco Turkey Mince and Broccoli
  • Post-Workout - Protein Shake
  • Dinner - Chicken Pesto Pasta

 The table below shows the macro breakdown of each of the meals to get our target daily intake. 


  Protein Carbs Fat
Meal 1 6g 51g 5g
Meal 2 18g 12g 21g
Meal 3 54g 75g 16g
Meal 4 23g 8g 4g
Meal 5 26g 2g 1g
Meal 6 54g 75g 16g
Total 181g 223g 63g


Our meal prep video this week will focus on the preparation of morning tea, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. The XO Crunch cereal can be made fresh at home before you leave each day and the protein shake can either be taken on the go and consumed with water or when you get home.



Here is a quick breakdown of each meal:

XO Crunch 

  • 70g XO Crunch cereal
  • 1 cup of almond milk (unsweetened)

Boiled Eggs and Nut Bar

Chicken Pesto Pasta

  • 150g Chicken Breast
  • 1/5 cup Mushrooms
  • 100g Pasta
  • 35g Basil Paste
  • 12g Spinach
  • Minced Garlic
  • Salt and Pepper to Taste

Taco Turkey Mince and Broccoli

  • 100g Turkey Mince
  • 100g Broccoli
  • Taco Seasoning

Post-Workout Protein Shake

  • 1 scoop of protein powder
  • water

Chicken Pesto Pasta

  • 150g Chicken Breast
  • 1/5 cup Mushrooms
  • 100g Pasta
  • 35g Basil Paste
  • 12g Spinach
  • Minced Garlic
  • Salt and Pepper to Taste



      Visit us on Facebook and Instagram to find more Sunday meal prep ideas and let us know your favourite recipes that fit your diet!

      If you're looking for a meal prep bag please take a second to check out our range and you'll not be disappointed!


      The Undeniable Team


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